Blobympics Happenings Issue 5

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We finally got to talk to the other side!

Our science team finally was able to establish two-way audio with the trans-dimensional comm device!

It turns out that the main computer at the Cariñoland side was restarted, and the OS rolled back the sound driver (the latest version was bugged, and turned sound off).

After the OS came back on, the speakers started to transmit the conversation between two people that were blaming each other for breaking the thing. Here’s an excerpt of the transcription:

— You broke it!

— No, I didn’t. It asked for a “reboot”. I just confirmed that I wanted to get boots. It said it wanted me to reboot, and though I never had boots, I just wanted to know what they were.

— But it turned itself off!

— Yes, but as you can see, it is back on.

The listening team immediately asked who was talking, and to our surprise, it was Blebmony Snicket himself! He was discussing with a cousin that wanted to install a famous shooter game in the comm device’s computer.

Our team had a long audio-only conversation with Blebmony.

For now, we can say that we finally confirmed what we thought: Blebmony is a blob. He explained why he started to send us the articles we’ve been publishing and how he got to the device and managed to use it for the purpose.

We’re going to make a full report of it, and we’re going to do a press release with all the details within the next days.


A foamy swim

Who would have thought it: the Soapman attacked again and stole the show!

The Soaps were prohibited to participate in this competition, but a soap jumped into the pool. Sadly, it was a lemon soap, and everyone’s eyes started turning red, except for the Prettypato that won — the only competitor who used googles to protect his eyes.

Despite the gymnastics incident with the soaps, the Blobympics board decided to ban the soaps from the swimming competition, since the pool would end up turning into a foamy mess if the soaps entered.

The swimming competition started, and our champions dove into the water. Right after Leo Quackchand finished the first round, a soap came out of the public and dove into the pool! Unluckily, most of the competitors weren’t using googles, and they got their eyes burning.

Leo won the race. He was the only one with googles, and rumor has it that the Soapman contacted Quackchand to warn him. Of course, Leo denied the accusations and stated that he was wearing googles because he doesn’t like getting water in his eyes while swimming.

Regardless, after the competition, one of the security guards found another note from the Soapman, which said:

“This is my final warning for you, director. If you don’t let my soaps compete in the next game, I’ll tell everyone the truth about the bed mattresses your athletes sleep on.

Spoiler alert: those are not chicken feathers.

By the way: no, I’ve never spoken to Leo, he was just lucky. But... What kind of duck doesn’t stand water in his eyes?

I’ve been watching you.
And I want to make you sweat.
A l
a la la la long, long li long, long long.

The Soapman.”

This guy is insane, I love it! These games definitely took a twisted turn since the gymnastics competition, I’m dying to see what’s next!

Side note: the pool ended covered in foam. Nobody wanted it to go to waste, so a foam party got started after the award ceremony.


Off tier stuff

  • Protests over excess of waste in several cities.

    The games brought a lot of blobs to many cities, and with them, more trash was generated. Especially cardboard recipients, plastic cups and paper napkins, all of them with he Blobkin Donuts logo printed on them.

    A bunch of activist Cariñopatos, including Environmentalist patos, Green patolettes and Supergreen patos, led protests against the excess of garbage. Many blobs from the Waste Management departments and lots of supporters joined and caused traffic knots in a bunch of major cities.

    Buddy Blobastro, Blobkin’s CEO, said in a press conference that he was going to find a way to generate less garbage for the rest of the games.

  • First test of a feature for the closing event went haywire.

    A video showing an accident went viral on BlobTok.

    In the video, a Shorting Negapato, a Bolt Negapatolette and a Lighting Negapato were concentrating their electricity manipulation powers to light up an intricate setup at the FNB Stadium in Blobhannesburg, but they overloaded the circuits, and all lightbulbs started to explode.

    Nobody got hurt, but the authorities had to say that they were running tests on a feature that’s going to be presented during the games closing event, and the Negapatos were providing the energy required by the setup, since the stadium had one of the generators broken.

    So, there goes what seemed to be a great surprise for the closing.



This has been all for today’s #Blobympics records.


Reported by Blebmony Snicket.

Would you like to know more?

The Blobympic Games are a spinoff of the Cariñoland universe in PoliCromix.


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Aug 9, 2024 2:14 PM (7 months ago)

The Soapman is out of control, but I can't help but enjoy the chaos! lol

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