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A good relationship forged over the years, through many confrontations and bloodshed, does not always mean that peace will reign forever. Normally pacts are broken, alliances are divided and peoples become enemies.
Enter the 3 kingdoms of the three different races, Humans, Dwarves and Elves.
Training boards:
The city between the dunes: This board will start you in the city of humans that is located in the middle of a desert.
- The silver route: Here you must defend one of the human trade routes which is the most important, this route is the one chosen to transport the dwarves' merchandise, it is mainly made up of swords and armor, therefore it is called "the silver route".
The roar of the mining pickaxe: Explore the great mountain of the dwarves where they mine every day to extract the materials that make up the metal alloy used to forge their merchandise for sale.
The Hall of Envy: As its name suggests, it is the Hall of Envy, since it is the greatest pride of the king of the dwarves. Created by his ancestors, each one of them added details so that the place had a little of the essence of each dwarf who came to the throne. Every person who has set foot in that place is perplexed by its impressive size, quality and beauty.
Midnight Moonlight: Before reaching the city of the elves, you have to go deep in to the forest, a place where only night exists and the people who have had the good fortune to set foot in that place cannot find an explanation for it. said anomaly, but it is a place inhabited by elves and therefore anything is possible.
- The city in the forest: Prepare for battle against the elves, do not let your guard down as they are creatures with a battle capacity above any other creature.
Created: | 10 months ago |
Published: | 9 months ago |
Last update: | 7 months ago |