Cariñoland card characters Cariñoland Universes index

Great El_Pato

A demigod pato, spawned by High El_Pato to lead their minions.

👽 Cariñopatos / Primordial 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ Avatar 💎 Rare
High El_Pato

A god-level pato, spawned by El_Pato to lead their minions.

👽 Cariñopatos / Primordial 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ God 💎 Rare

El_Pato is one of the many duck gods that existed in the multiverse. These duck gods were omnipresent entities that could create and destroy worlds with their beak.

👽 Cariñopatos / Primordial 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ God 💎 Unique
Lord Cuackula the Blobsucker

Lord Cuackula the Blobsucker, he is a character with an eccentric personality but with a lot of morals.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Halloween Collection 2024

Ho ho ho! Have you been a good blobling? Then I have a present for you!

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Christmas 2024

You know turkeys, right? You know ducks, right? But you never saw a duck disguised as turkey. Until now.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Avatar 💎 Rare
Duck Maul

A minion of the dark side of the Quack. A dangerous one.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Darkness 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Dark side of the quack
Duck Breather

A boss of the dark side of the Quack. Don't mess with it or it will have a pulmonary infarction.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Darkness 🎖️ Boss 💎 Collection 📦 Dark side of the quack
Emperor Duckpatine

Ruler of the dark side of the Quack and all its acolytes.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Darkness 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Dark side of the quack
Ducknakin Starquacker

A minion of the light side of the Quack. Its anger for not receiving the title of Master makes it dangerous.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Light 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Light side of the quack
Ducki Wan Quackobi

Boss of the light side of the Quack minions. It looks calm, but you don't want to mess with it.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Light 🎖️ Boss 💎 Collection 📦 Light side of the quack

The leader of the light side of the Quack. It looks small and old, but don't get fooled by it.

👽 Cariñopatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Light 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Light side of the quack
Wet Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of water.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Water 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Watermaster Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of water.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Water 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Waterblending Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of water.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Water 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 The Pato Kings
Burning Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the fire.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Fire 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Firemaster Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the fire.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Fire 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Fireblending Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the fire.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Fire 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 The Pato Kings
Environmentalist Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the earth.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Green Patolette

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the earth.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Supergreen Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the earth.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 The Pato Kings
Windy Patolette

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the wind.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Wind 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Windmaster Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the wind.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Wind 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Windblending Pato

An element bending Cariñopato, specialist in the power of the wind.

👽 Cariñopatos / Greater 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Wind 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 The Pato Kings
Topaz Pato

A gem-based Cariñopato, member of the front line of attack after the unmasking of the Prettypatos.

👽 Cariñopatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Zirconia Pato

A gem-based Cariñopato, member of the front line of attack after the unmasking of the Prettypatos.

👽 Cariñopatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Tourmaline Pato

A gem-based Cariñopato, member of the front line of attack after the unmasking of the Prettypatos.

👽 Cariñopatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Ruby Pato

A gem-based Cariñopato, member of the front line of attack after the unmasking of the Prettypatos.

👽 Cariñopatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Aquamarine Pato

A gem-based Cariñopato, member of the front line of attack after the unmasking of the Prettypatos.

👽 Cariñopatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Amethyst Pato

A gem-based Cariñopato, member of the front line of attack after the unmasking of the Prettypatos.

👽 Cariñopatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Emerald Pato

A gem-based Cariñopato, member of the front line of attack after the unmasking of the Prettypatos.

👽 Cariñopatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Clockwork Blob

Clockwork Blob is a small living blob from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Badass Movie Fanblobs
Sam L. Blobson

Sam L. Blobson is a small living mass from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Badass Movie Fanblobs

Roboblob a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Badass Movie Fanblobs
Mad Blob

Mad Blob is a small living blob from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Badass Movie Fanblobs
Pumpkin Blob

Pumpkin Blob. This event is very strange, no one knows why a pumpkin came to life.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Halloween Collection 2024
First Blob

First Blob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Badass Movie Fanblobs
Snake Blobssken

Snake Blobssken a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Badass Movie Fanblobs
Splashing Blob

Splashing blob a small living blob from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Water 🎖️ Minion 💎 Rare

Do you want to build a Snowblob?

👽 Blobs / Special 🔮 Magical 🔥 Compounds / Ice 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Christmas 2024
Pvt. Blob

Pvt. Blob a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Police Blob

Police Blob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Sand Warrior

Sand Warrior is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Sgt. Blob

Sgt. Blob is a small living mass from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Sand Warlock

Sand Warlock is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Sand Sheikh

Sand Sheikh is a small living blob originally from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ King 💎 Normal
Cmdr. Blob

Cmdr. Blob is a small living mass from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ King 💎 Normal
Burning blob

Burning blob is a small living mass from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Fire 🎖️ Minion 💎 Rare
Blob The Builder

Blob The Builder a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Karen Blob

Karen blob is a worthy representative of the empowered citizens of Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Spiky Blob

Spiky Blob is a small living mass from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Detective Blob

Detective Blob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Boss 💎 Rare
Firefighting Blob

Firefighting Blob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Water 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
BBQ Blob

Bbq blob a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Fire 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Farmy blob

Farmy blob is a small living mass native to the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Turboblob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Citizens 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Wind 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Limeblob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Civilians 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Blobblegum is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Civilians 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Lemonblob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Civilians 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Orange Blob

Orange Blob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Civilians 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Blueberryish Blob

Blueberryish Blob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Civilians 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Chocoblob is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Civilians 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Blobblegum is a small living mass originating from the planet Blobosphere.

👽 Blobs / Civilians 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Patolingette, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Patoling, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Vanilla Patolingette

Vainilla Patolingette, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Rare
Chocolate Patolingette

Chocolate Patolingette, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Rare
Curly Patolingette

Curly Patolingette, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Special 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Unique
Hugging Patolette

Hugging Patolette, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Preacher Prettypato

Preacher Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Quackrina the pato witch

Quackrina the pato witch, don't get close to him or he'll steal your candy while he distracts you by making you dizzy with his charisma.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Halloween Collection 2024

A Prettypatolette that is the loving companion of Santa_Pato

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Christmas 2024
Holy Prettypato

Holy Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Water 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Fireduck Pokepato

Fireduck Pokepato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Fire 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Harvester Patolette

Harvester Patolette, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Earth 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Windy Prettypato

Windy Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Wind 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Shiningduck Pokepato

Shiningduck Pokepato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Elite 🔮 Magical 🔥 Base / Light 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Green Prettypato

Green Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Brown Prettypato

Brown Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Pale Prettypato

Pale Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Purple Prettypato

Purple Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Blue Prettypato

Blue Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Red Prettypato

Red Prettypato, created to coexist with the inhabitants of Blobosphere.

👽 Prettypatos / Lesser 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Ketchup soap

Ketchup soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Top notch 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Boss 💎 Collection 📦 Stealth Soaps
Chicken soap

Chicken soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Top notch 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Boss 💎 Collection 📦 Stealth Soaps
Pineapple soap

Pineapple soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Top notch 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Boss 💎 Collection 📦 Stealth Soaps
Rosa Venus soap

Rosa Venus soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Top notch 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Avatar 💎 Rare
Nordiko soap

Nordiko soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Top notch 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Avatar 💎 Rare
Soap Zero

A soap embedded with a soul, made to wash out the wrongdoing of the Cariñopatos. And it has spawns of its own.

👽 Evil soaps / Top notch 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ God 💎 Unique

Frankensoap, a mean-looking soap created by the scientists of Blobosphere.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Halloween Collection 2024
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reinsoap

A soap in a reindeer disguise. It looks cute. And it hates it.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Christmas 2024
Crystal Soap

Baccasoap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Crystal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Swarovsoap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Crystal 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal

Baccasoap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Crystal 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Evil Soap Kings
Brass Soap

Brass Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Metal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Steel Soap

Steel Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Metal 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Titanium Soap

Titanium Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Metal 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Evil Soap Kings
Frosty Soap

Frosty Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Ice 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Blizzard Soap

Blizzard Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Ice 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Snowstorm Soap

Snowstorm Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Ice 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Evil Soap Kings
Loihi Soap

Loihi Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Magma 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Kilauea Soap

Kilauea Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Magma 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Maunaloa Soap

Maunala Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Magma 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Evil Soap Kings

Nimbusoap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Fog 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal

Cumusoap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Fog 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal

Nimbusoap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Fog 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Evil Soap Kings
Mudball Soap

Mudball Soap, evil soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Mud 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Muddy Soap

Muddy Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Mud 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal

Swampsoap, evil soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Mud 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Evil Soap Kings
Chick Soapette

Chick Soappete, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Grass 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Ms. Soapette

Ms. Soappete Soappete, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Grass 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Lady Soapette

Lady Soappete, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Expensive 🔮 Ethereal 🔥 Compounds / Grass 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Evil Soap Kings
Lemon soap

Lemon Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Cheap 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Strawberry soap

Strawberry Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Cheap 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Activated Carbon Soap

Activated Carbon Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Cheap 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Blueberry soap

Blueberry Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Cheap 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Wheat soap

Wheat Soap, malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Cheap 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Tutti Frutti soap

Tutti Frutti Soap, malevolent Soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

👽 Evil soaps / Cheap 🔮 Ethereal 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Duck Phoenix

Duck Phoenix: a proof of what happens when experiments go wrong.

👽 Negapatos / Universe navigators 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Void 🎖️ Avatar 💎 Rare

The answer to life, the universe and pest control. The final creation of the Blobosphere Scientific Community against the PrettyPatos.

👽 Negapatos / Universe navigators 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Void 🎖️ God 💎 Unique
High Negapato

High Negapato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Galaxy travelers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Void 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Higher Negapato

Higher Negapato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Galaxy travelers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Void 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Highest Negapato

Highest Negapato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Galaxy travelers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Void 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Negapato Kings
The Kramduck

Naughty blobs don't get coal. They get blobnapped by the horrible Kramduck.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Christmas 2024

Quackmhotep, he will come to your aid if you let out a characteristic cry: NO MORE PAPER!

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Physical 🎖️ Minion 💎 Collection 📦 Halloween Collection 2024
Duckcaptor Quackura

Duckaptor Quackura, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Gravity 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Son Goduck

Son Goduck, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Gravity 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Duckette of The Waste

Duckette of The Waste, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Gravity 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Negapato Kings
Riffing Negapato

Quiet Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Sound 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Kissing Negapato

Kissing Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Sound 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Quiet Negapato

Quiet Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Sound 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Negapato Kings
Shorting Negapato

Shorting Negapato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Electricity 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Bolt Negapatolette

Bolt Negapatolette, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Electricity 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Lightning Negapato

Lightning Negapato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Electricity 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Negapato Kings

Magnetopato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Magnetism 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Big Magnetopato

Big Magnetopato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Magnetism 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Quantum Magnetopato

Quantum Magnetopato, created by the scientific community of Blobosphere.

👽 Negapatos / Solar system wanderers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Magnetism 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Negapato Kings
Silver Negapato

Bismuth Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Planet hikers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Pressure 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Copper Negapato

Copper Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Planet hikers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Pressure 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Tungsten Negapato

Tungsten Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Planet hikers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Pressure 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Brass Negapato

Brass Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Planet hikers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Pressure 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Steel Negapato

Steel Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Planet hikers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Pressure 🎖️ Minion 💎 Normal
Verdigris Negapato

Verdigris Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Planet hikers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Pressure 🎖️ Boss 💎 Normal
Bismuth Negapato

Bismuth Negapato, created by the Blobosphere scientific community.

👽 Negapatos / Planet hikers 🔮 Psionic 🔥 Forces / Pressure 🎖️ King 💎 Collection 📦 Negapato Kings