Rudolph The Red Nosed Reinsoap Card chars Cariñoland Universes index

A soap in a reindeer disguise. It looks cute. And it hates it.

Species: Evil soaps / Expensive
Nature: Ethereal
Hierarchy: Minion
Set class: Collection
Collection: Christmas 2024

"You know... soaps are meant to be used for washing. Or bathing. Or to fill up holes in places. BUT NOT TO BE DISGUISED AS ANIMALS!"

After knowing about the big holiday season that the Cariñopatos brought upon the planet, the Soapman thought it would be a good idea to ride the hype wave by dressing up one of his soaps as reindeer. It would be a wonderful addition to the show everyone was participating in. He didn't actually understand how a deer would look like, but he got the antlers and the fur quite right.

We can't deny it looks really cute! We loved it! But it isn't happy. Seems like covering a soap with a furry skin wasn't as fun as it sounded.

We don't care. We're going to cheer it when we see it singing season- songs outside of the beauty shops.


Hit dice: Between 6 and 8
Acquisition range: Player level between 0 and 99
Attack directions: Randomly assigned, between 2 and 4 arrows
Created: 3 months ago
Published: 3 months ago
Last update: 3 months ago


  • Not so merry bubble bath
    • Target card (friend or foe in board): Apply > HPs min: 6 max: 8 multiplier: 2