Sgt. Blob Card chars Cariñoland Universes index

Sgt. Blob is a small living mass from the planet Blobosphere.

Species: Blobs / Elite
Nature: Physical
Hierarchy: Boss
Set class: Normal

Sgt. Blob is a small living mass from the planet Blobosphere.

Beware of Sgt. Blob as he always carries his rifle and will not hesitate to use it if you corner him. Trained rigorously, he not only knows how to shoot a gun and that's it, he is trained in different types of martial arts so it is not a viable idea to take him out of his box.


Hit dice: Between 6 and 8
Acquisition range: Player level between 5 and 99
Attack directions: Randomly assigned, between 2 and 3 arrows
Created: 1 years ago
Published: 1 years ago
Last update: 12 months ago


  • Bloobet spread
    • Target card (friend or foe in board): Apply > HPs min: 7 max: 8 multiplier: 2