Emperor Duckpatine Card chars Cariñoland Universes index

Ruler of the dark side of the Quack and all its acolytes.

Species: Cariñopatos / Elite
Nature: Magical
Base element: Base / Darkness
Hierarchy: King
Set class: Collection
Collection: Dark side of the quack

The cariñopatos saw that a large number of blobs worship a concept that professes that the universe has an invisible force that, like everything, has two sides: a light one and a dark one. And there are entities that stick to one side, using the power given by their side to combat those on the other side.

Taking advantage of this cult, the patos created a group of incarnations for each side of that force, and called it "The Quack" in order to trick the blobs into converting them to their ranks.

The high master of the dark side of the Quack. This pato is a though one. It can corrupt anyone to convert to its side, and inflict terrible burns on the body of the unwilling to turn with electric rays coming out of teaser guns hidden under the sleeves of its rope.


Hit dice: Between 15 and 16
Acquisition range: Player level between 9 and 99
Attack directions: Randomly assigned, between 4 and 5 arrows
Created: 1 years ago
Published: 1 years ago
Last update: 12 months ago


  • Dark quack bolts
    • Target card (friend or foe in board): Apply > Elements: Darkness min: 13 max: 14 multiplier: 2