Titanium Soap Card chars Cariñoland Universes index

Titanium Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

Species: Evil soaps / Expensive
Nature: Ethereal
Base element: Compounds / Metal
Hierarchy: King
Set class: Collection
Collection: Evil Soap Kings

Titanium Soap, a malevolent soap created by Blobosphere scientists.

Soap made with one of the most resistant metals that have been found on the planet, because the reserves are greater than those of any other quality metal, they decided to use titanium. Its high resistance allows it to withstand all kinds of attacks, because there are very few things that can cause damage to it and at the same time it is very lethal, if you see it fall on top of you forget about believing that you will get out of there in one piece.


Hit dice: Between 7 and 8
Acquisition range: Player level between 11 and 99
Attack directions: Randomly assigned, between 2 and 4 arrows
Created: 1 years ago
Published: 1 years ago
Last update: 12 months ago


  • Titanium Strike
    • Target card (friend or foe in board): Apply > Elements: Metal min: 11 max: 12 multiplier: 2