Policromix Card & Character Details

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Card Details

Card Effects

Card Attributes


  1. Experience & Card Level: Cards earn experience each time they flip a card in battle. These experience points accumulate until the card reaches a higher level/
  2. Attack Power & Life: Each card has a unique attack power and life points, which will be upgraded each time a card reaches a new level. 
  3. Attack Directions: Each card comes with a set of arrows indicating the direction in which it can attack and defend from other card attacks. 
  4. Card Species, Nature, Element, Hierarchy & Class: All cards have unique attributes, and all characters belong to a certain species/race, have a basic nature (physical, magical, psionic, etc.), know how to use certain elements, are located in a hierarchy level (minion, boss, king, etc) and, on top of all, belong to a specific ‘set’ class: part of a collection, rare, unique, or none at all.
  5. Date Acquired & Card Quality: Whenever you acquire a card, a record will be made of the date you acquired it. You can also quickly check the quality of the card by looking at how many stars it has. This factor is calculated by an algorithm that takes in account all the card attributes.

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