Halloween 2024 tournament

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It is done!

The tournament has officially finished! Here's the final positions list:

The winner:

Tucome Taquito, from Americas

Second place:

Mhowii, from Asia

Third place:

Treefrognada, from Europe

Fourth to Eight:

  1. RabbitLarry, from Americas
  2. Koel, from Asia
  3. Pluto24, from Africa
  4. Tljoe, from Africa
  5. Emielio, from Europe

All of them will receive SPs, cards, high tier card packs and USD prizes!

9th to 12th places were the 3rd places of the regions:

  • Neutrino, from Asia
  • Welshdanft, from Europe
  • Naps, from Africa
  • Mitriiman, from Americas

They will get 6,250 SPs, one card and one low tier card pack each.

But there's a surprise for them: They'll also get USD!

The rest of the contestants:

  • SidTheSloth998, from Asia
  • ALPACODEJR, from Africa
  • Sam-the-tutor, from Africa
  • Oliseh Genesis, from Africa
  • JPM_Memecoin, from Africa

Will receive 2k SPSs and one card each.

We'll notify everyone on the mailing list and coordinate the delivery within the next hours.

View final report with full details


For reference, we'll leave the info below.


All the details about the tournament have been moved to the next page:

Tournament details page

You'll find updates attached to this post. Just check the threads above.

Here is the mailing list we've made to communicate with all the participants:

MailMan list details page

Region pages


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