Spiral of the damned boards Spiral of the damned Universes index

The great gates of hell

Small 2-3 player board for quick and easy games.

5x5 (12) 2:6 3:4 Training
The bonfire of the damned

Small 2-3 player board for quick and easy games.

5x5 (12) 2:6 3:4 Training
The pond of lost souls

A medium board for 2-4 players for quick and easy matches.

7x7 (24) 2:12 3:8 4:6 Training
The tomb of the heretics

A medium board for 2-4 players for quick and easy matches.

7x7 (20) 2:10 4:5 Training
Consumed by the desert

A medium board for 2-4 players for quick and easy matches.

9x7 (20) 2:10 4:5 Training
The misfortune of the violent

A medium board for 2-5 players for quick and easy matches.

9x7 (20) 2:10 4:5 5:4 Training
The guardian who prowls hell

A large board for 2-6 player for more complex matches.

9x7 (30) 2:15 3:10 6:5
The hunger of condemnation

A large board for 2-4 players for more complex matches.

7x7 (24) 2:12 3:8 4:6 Training