The hunger of condemnation Boards Spiral of the damned Universes index

Be careful in this circle, as a large horde of hungry beings are looking for prey to devour. They have an insatiable hunger that once you have been consumed you take possession of a physical body again to be brutally eaten by these beings. Gluttony comes at a high price when you are mean enough to leave other people without food.


Dimensions: 7x7 grid, 24 card slots
Blocking walls: 8, randomly placed on every match
Playing modes:
  • 2 players, 12 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
  • 3 players, 8 cards each. Winner takes 1 card from each opponent cards
  • 4 players, 6 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from each opponent cards
Training mode support: 24 slots, 12 cards per player
24 slots, 12 cards per player
24 slots, 12 cards per player
Created: 9 months ago
Published: 9 months ago
Last update: 9 months ago