The great gates of hell Boards Spiral of the damned Universes index

We welcome you to the first training mode board in this universe.

The great gates of hell. This is the entrance to hell where you will descend level by level, immersing yourself in the different sins that the monsters who at some point in their lives were people like you are committing in life.

Don't try to fall into temptation or you could become one of them.


Dimensions: 5x5 grid, 12 card slots
Blocking walls: 4, randomly placed on every match
Playing modes:
  • 2 players, 6 cards each. Winner takes 1 card from the opponent/s cards
  • 3 players, 4 cards each. Winner takes 1 card from the opponent/s cards
Training mode support: 12 slots, 6 cards per player
12 slots, 6 cards per player
12 slots, 6 cards per player
Created: 4 months ago
Published: 3 months ago
Last update: 3 months ago