The guardian who prowls hell Boards Spiral of the damned Universes index

A great guardian, feared by all and one of the most powerful and influential beings in the crimson underworld.

Prepare to be punished by that enormous three-headed dog beast that is in charge of tormenting everyone who belongs to that place.


Dimensions: 7x9 grid, 30 card slots
Blocking walls: 14, randomly placed on every match
Playing modes:
  • 2 players, 15 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
  • 3 players, 10 cards each. Winner takes 1 card from each opponent cards
  • 6 players, 5 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
Training mode support: Not supported
Created: 4 months ago
Published: 3 months ago
Last update: 3 months ago