App updated - Version 0.0.2 is now available

Permalink Report to webmaster

We tuned some stuff and fixed a handful of issues from the initial version. Here's the list of things we've done:

App changes:

  • Internal optimizations.

  • Added support for limited prize pick events on training matches (it was wrongly set, causing some prize pick events after winning a training match to be missed).

  • Moved version update notifications to the splash view.

  • Moved global compliment bag assignment check from the splash to the main view.

  • Refactored compliment bag assignment check to fix cases when it was missed.

  • Other minor fixes.

Assets library updated:

  • Fixed wrong set type classes on multiple card characters from 'Pits' and 'Swamps' universes.

Server side changes:

  • Fixed an issue when placing a card that triggered the selection of a target when there were multiple hits and
    possible autoflips around and threw a "not your turn" error, making the match unsuitable to continue.

  • Added support for limited prize pick events on training matches.
    Current limit is to 3 events per user in a 24 hours window.


Please update as soon as possible.


Download update now


#AppUpdated #Alpha


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