All you need is ducks Storybooks Cariñoland Universes index


This book narrates how a duck god found a planet and attempted to conquer it.

This god used to conquer planets in which other gods weren’t present, but this kind of planets were precious, scarce, difficult to find. This planet was the first being found after a long time since the last addition to our god’s planet collection.

This particular world was populated by cute, shapeless, intelligent blobs, but since there were no gods around when the spark of self-awareness ignited in the blobs minds and hearts, they were a great finding and represented a great challenge.

This god craves for love. It has no emotions, but love is one of those things that it couldn’t harvest on  the other worlds it conquered, so, it stills looks for ways to find the meaning of this emotion.

The main difference between this new world and the others is that the blobs cuteness is something no other beings (within the thousands of species and races our god have known and conquered) have.

On top of that, their intelligence is outstanding. They’ve built a modern civilization despite their apparent naiveness. Because of this, our god had to plot a plan that greatly differed from other plans he used in the past.

What our god never realized is that love works two ways, and in order for someone to love it, it should first earn that love, then give it back. From its perspective, any being had to give its love unconditionally without receiving anything in return, and in its mind, love was being given out to them and they weren’t being reciprocal.

So, unconditional love was there. From them. To our god.



⚠️ Warning: spoilers ahead!

The story is divided in chapters, and each chapter represents a stage of the whole evangelization process:

  • The preface serves as an introduction to the story, and it provides some key details of the upcoming events.

  • The first chapter is focused on the arrival to the planet, the first contact, and events during the first waves of the invasion. It all starts on the top of a mountain and ends with the entrance to a big city.

  • Chapter 2 is focused on the evangelization of big cities and ends when the first church is created.

  • Chapter 3 tells how the plot is discovered by the blobs, which triggers a war against the god and its minions.

  • Chapter 4 happens during the first times of the war, and how the blobs invented a weapon that should help beating the invaders and kick them off the planet.

  • Chapter 5 addresses several events during the war, and how the new weapon doesn’t seem to be enough for its purpose.

  • Chapter 6 comes with the invention of a second weapon by the blobs, and how it is used against the invaders.

Only the duck god and the blobs with their weapons know how this story ends.
You'll have to dig in to discover it.



This storybook is an original work by the PoliCromix team.

Storybook index

  1. Preface

    In the beginning, there was a duck. It was a god. And it wanted to be loved. And it discovered a planet without gods. And it was good.

  2. The arrival

    The Cariñopatos arrive to Blobosphere and send the PrettyPatos to conquer evangelize the blobs.

    1. Intro

      A plot was needed for a successful first contact with the blobs.

    2. Close encounters of the duck kind

      A national monument during a holiday is the greatest pick to start an invasion.

      1. A dialog with 1 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using The «ungood guys» tower board.
    3. The bloblings of the korn

      A korn field next to the monument looks good for getting followers.

      1. A dialog with 1 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using A korn farm board.
    4. The village of the blobed

      A small village that has a deep secret. It should have some nice blob picks!

      1. A dialog with 1 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using The scary village board.
    5. Stepblorb wives

      A high class suburb. We're getting closer to the big city!

      Note: player level 7+ recommended for best experience.

      1. A dialog with 1 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using Steplorb board.
    6. New Blorb, New Blorb

      The big city! Prep yourself for a big entrance.

      Note: player level 7 required for best experience.

      1. A dialog with 1 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using New Blorb board.
  3. Spreading the word

    The first contact was a full success. The patos are gaining territory all across the planet.

    1. Intro

      Everything is going according to plan. Blobs are getting indoctrinated with low effort.

    2. She works hard for the duckling

      A mall full of bloblings is a great place to spread specially prepared candy for easing evangelization.

      Note: player level 7+ recommended for best experience.

      1. A dialog with 2 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using Blobhattan Mall board.
    3. Duckling Consumer Products

      A presentation of a robotic wonder for law enforcement suits perfectly to take over a huge corporation.

      Note: player level 8+ recommended for best experience.

      1. A dialog with 2 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using Blobmni Consumer Products execs meeting room board.
    4. Dead blobs society

      An exclusive college in a high-class suburb serves as scenario for an unprecedented intrusion attempt.

      Note: player level 7+ recommended for best experience.

      1. A dialog with 2 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using Blobton Academy board.
    5. Ducks-R-Us

      Miniature ducks filled with candy? Distributed nationwide on top notch toy shops?
      That's a great idea!

      Note: player level 7+ recommended for best experience.

      1. A dialog with 2 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using Blobs-R-Us board.
    6. Holy duck!

      The first church for El_Pato is inaugurated!

      Note: player level 7+ recommended for best experience.

      1. A dialog with 2 NPCs is shown.
      2. A battle is triggered using The Pato Church board.