Julia R. Masterblob Secondary School Boards Cariñoland Universes index

This public high school stands above the rest in Blobadelphia. It has the best teachers the public education system can offer in the city, and is linked to great colleges in all the state.

But like any other public school, it has some problematic students, some of them spawned by parents that don't trust the pato visitors.

And when a PrettyPato gets to become the headmaster of this school, a door for trouble gets opened.


Dimensions: 7x7 grid, 16 card slots
Blocking walls: None
Playing modes:
  • 2 players, 8 cards each. Winner takes 1 card from the opponent/s cards
Training mode support: 16 slots, 8 cards per player
Created: 4 months ago
Published: 4 months ago
Last update: 4 months ago