The BUNS auditorium Boards Cariñoland Universes index

The "Blob United Nations of the Sphere" building is where representatives of all nations in Blobosphere unite to discuss matters that affet the entire planet.

The auditorium holds up all of them, plus hundreds of VIPs and fanblobs that go there in special ocassions.

The pato kings held up a meeting with all Blobosphere leaders to make them an offer, and it escalated quickly.

A bloodbath took place.


Dimensions: 7x7 grid, 24 card slots
Blocking walls: 20, randomly placed on every match
Playing modes:
  • 2 players, 12 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
Training mode support: 24 slots, 12 cards per player
Created: 4 months ago
Published: 4 months ago
Last update: 4 months ago