🟥 #BR2502041327 - Multiple card view bug (#MainGame / #Beta041 / Closed)

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When trying to a card, and close the card's info, there will be another duplicate of it that I need to close. I don't if it's just me , but my mouse is fine and doing a single click. 
Please see Video for reference.

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Feb 4 1:23 PM (1 months ago)

Been trying to reproduce the behavior but couldn't do it.

Are you still experiencing the issue? If so, Which client are you using?

Feb 9 5:23 PM (29 days ago)

Yeah,  I tried it and still occurs. Whenever I open a card, it viewed the same card info twice after I hit X


Feb 9 5:24 PM (29 days ago)

and I'm using a brave Browser 


Feb 14 10:12 PM (23 days ago)

I think I found the glitch. Pushed new update. Please check and if it persists, we'll try something else.

Will close the ticket now.

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