PoliCromix Weekly Newsletter - Issue #2

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Once again, we’re excited to bring you the latest updates and news from the world of PoliCromix! 

As we continue to grow and evolve, we’re thrilled to have you with us on this incredible journey.

Dive into this week’s newsletter to discover the latest game developments, new features, and what’s on the horizon for our community. Let’s keep the adventure going!

PoliCromix This Week:


  • Website Redesign: A fresh look and improved navigation coming soon

  • New Team Members: Welcoming three experts to our team.

  • New Cariñoland videos: A highlight into New Cariñoland videos

But before all that, lets get a brief intro about Policromix.

About Policromix:

If you’re seeing this newsletter for the first time or just discovering PoliCromix, you're in for a treat. PoliCromix is a digital trading card game that blends simplicity with strategic depth. Here's what makes PoliCromix special:

  • Thrilling Gameplay: Engage in battles to earn tokens and cards, facing off against both bots and real players.
  • Character Growth: Enhance your cards and character through gameplay.
  • Three Unique Universes: Explore Cariñoland, Pits of the Fallen Souls, and Clash on the Swamps, each with its own boards, characters, and stories.
  • Free to Play: Enjoy the game without spending any money.
  • Instant Play: Start immediately with an anonymous guest account.
  • Balanced Competition: Cards and players level up through battles, ensuring fair play.
  • Quick Installation: Small download size under 100 MB with assets downloaded on the first launch.
  • Cross-Platform Availability: Play on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android devices.

A Full dive into This weeks newsletter.

New Team Members:

  • Aeris Caballero (aka “cheesewizard”), will work on the game storytelling and assist on social channel management.
  • Alex Saldierna, will work with Aeris in artwork for social channels.
  • Marco Lima, will help on the game client development

New Cariñoland videos:

The storybook intro and intros for chapters 1 through 3 are halfway through. Video is finished, just need to add audio. It will be done during the next few days

In the meantime, here are some shots:


 current video:  New video:


Chapter 1

 current video:  New video:


Chapter 2

 current video:  New video:


Chapter 3

 current video:  New video:


Side note on the new videos:

One thing about Blobosphere (the blobs planet): it is obvious that blobs are 100% based on humans, but the planet being shown wasn’t originally thought to be Earth to dodge obviousness.

Azeem (the video artist) replaced the blue planet used in the videos with a recolorized Earth. After giving it a thought, it made perfect sense to remark the blobs resemblance with humans by including Earth as their home planet instead of trying to hide it.

So, +1 to obviousness.

Bugs And Fixes

  • Android app: We discovered that the performance issue in the Android app is caused by Android’s webview. We profiled it and the performance degradation seems to be caused by something in the system that messes up between network requests: 

The web version is almost ready, just needs some quirks for adapting to phone displays. Then it will be used to replace Android for the time being.

  • iPhone app: It seems the webview doesn’t have the same problems. We just need a few more days to get to it.

Twitch chat support: Still working on it. Will roll out very soon

New universes: Eduardo finished making the characters of “Spiral of the Damned” and “Tavin|DAX”. Boards are being created. Before the next build, both universes will be released without storybooks. They’ll basically be dungeons like “Clash on the swamps” and “Pits of the fallen souls” until the storybooks are made.

Next release schedule:

We’ll try to have it done and released during the next week, most likely during the weekend, and include the announcement in the next newsletter issue.

Join the Adventure

We're excited to have you on this journey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and deliver a game you’ll love.

Stay tuned for more updates and tips in our weekly newsletter.

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