#BR250116T175446 - Untitled (#MainGame / #Beta041)

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I went into my inventory to select cards for the farm and got distracted by the unturned cards I bought to flip on stream, which I flipped over and went out of the inventory before selecting the cards for the farm. When I went back in, it seemed to have flipped all my cards back over and it seems to be going through my whole inventory to flip them back over after I clicked reveal all.

Client info:

  • Client version: 0.4.1
  • Platform: electron
  • Device type: browser
  • Display dimensions: 1920x1029px
  • Viewport resolution: 1920x1029px
  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) com.policromix.game/0.4.1 Chrome/122.0.6261.156 Electron/29.4.2 Safari/537.36

17/01/2025, 01:24:18 []
Fetching BCF price indexes.

17/01/2025, 01:24:19 []
Ok. 21 rates fetched

17/01/2025, 01:24:21 [App.ui.get_background]
Assigned new image
[19] main_section:shop := boards/c4s2-ambush-patuna/0_empty-chicken-coop-with-empty-incubators_esrgan-v1-x2plus-1.jpg

17/01/2025, 01:27:05 [App.ui.get_background]
Delivered pre-forged image
main_section:farm := undefined

17/01/2025, 01:28:15 [App.ui.get_background]
Delivered pre-forged image
main_section:farm := undefined

17/01/2025, 01:29:01 [App.ui.get_background]
Assigned new image
[28] main_section:inventory := boards/c6s3-the-journey-that-must-not-begin/0_space-center-on-earth-with-a-rocket-ready-to-take-_esrgan-v1-x2plus-3.jpg

17/01/2025, 01:46:42 [App.ui.get_background]
Delivered pre-forged image
main_section:battle := boards/village-of-the-blobbed/background-1.jpg

17/01/2025, 01:47:13 [App.ui.get_background]
Delivered pre-forged image
main_section:inventory := boards/c6s3-the-journey-that-must-not-begin/0_space-center-on-earth-with-a-rocket-ready-to-take-_esrgan-v1-x2plus-3.jpg

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