Umon Card chars Pits of the Fallen Souls Universes index

Umon, a ruthless adversary who seeks to satisfy his hunger.

Species: Human-like / Ogres, orcs, trolls
Nature: Physical
Hierarchy: Minion
Set class: Normal

Umon enjoyed hunting and combat, and didn't care about anything else. He had no friends or allies, only victims. He often faced off against several aggressive dungeon creatures, no matter their size. He always emerged victorious and fed with the rest of his adversaries.


Hit dice: Between 4 and 6
Acquisition range: No level constraints - can be acquired anytime
Attack directions: Randomly assigned, between 1 and 2 arrows
Created: 1 years ago
Published: 1 years ago
Last update: 12 months ago


  • Cries of Sorrow
    • Target card (friend or foe in board): Apply > HPs min: 4 max: 6 multiplier: 2