Thysser Card chars Pits of the Fallen Souls Universes index

Thysser, usually spends more time underwater but comes out on dry land, which is where the fun is.

Species: Animal / Sea beings
Nature: Physical
Hierarchy: Minion
Set class: Collection
Collection: Ryleh

Thysser, a sea creature with a multiple number of long tentacles.
Unlike others, this one does live underwater, although on the other hand it also has the ability to propel itself with its tentacles while on land. He does not have magical abilities but he is very quick when it comes to launching his tentacles at you. He can squeeze you to death or he can even break you in half, grabbing you by your ends and exerting force to break you.


Hit dice: Between 6 and 6
Acquisition range: No level constraints - can be acquired anytime
Attack directions: Randomly assigned, between 2 and 2 arrows
Created: 12 months ago
Published: 12 months ago
Last update: 12 months ago


  • Whiplash From The Depths
    • Target card (friend or foe in board): Apply > HPs min: 4 max: 5 multiplier: 2