Tarass Card chars Pits of the Fallen Souls Universes index

Tarass, don't let his small stature confuse you, he is not a tender character, if you give him the opportunity he will cover your body with deep cuts.

Species: Fantastic beings / Humanoid
Nature: Physical
Hierarchy: Minion
Set class: Normal

Tarass, a brave rodent who had no choice but to learn to defend himself, is a brave being because he leaves no one behind. He is usually very slippery which benefits him when he has to defend himself, he climbs up enemies who are always bigger than him and slashes them with his double daggers.


Hit dice: Between 3 and 4
Acquisition range: No level constraints - can be acquired anytime
Attack directions: Randomly assigned, between 1 and 2 arrows
Created: 1 years ago
Published: 1 years ago
Last update: 12 months ago


  • Dagger Slash
    • Target card (friend or foe in board): Apply > HPs min: 3 max: 4 multiplier: 2