Pools of infinite hatred Boards Pits of the Fallen Souls Universes index

The "pool of tortured souls" was a sad one. If you had the courage to step into it and went out feeling pitty for the poor beings that kept stuck in, then you've shown your worth as a human being.

But stepping into this pool is not for the weak hearts. You need to be strong, brave and leave your moral and sanity behind, for this pool is full of nasty souls that were bad seeds in the plane of the living.

Don't fall for the whispering voices around your head, or they'll bring the saddest and forgotten moments of your life back to your mind, just to be used against you. And fighting back with thoughts of the happiest things in your life won't help, because all entities here deeply rooted, greatly enhanced hate for the living beings.


Dimensions: 7x9 grid, 30 card slots
Blocking walls: 12, randomly placed on every match
Playing modes:
  • 2 players, 15 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
  • 3 players, 10 cards each. Winner takes 1 card from each opponent cards
  • 6 players, 5 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
Training mode support: Not supported
Created: 1 years ago
Published: 1 years ago
Last update: 10 months ago