Last thing standing Boards Clash on the Swamps Universes index

A perfect swamp for the ultimate fight. You'll not only deal with your opponents, but with a lot of the nastiest creatures of all the swamps in the region.

Burning fireflies, toxic moths, loud croaking frogs, giant mosquitoes, a scorpider that might appear in any moment, and the cherry on the cake: invisible spiders!

So make sure to wear a thick leather armor (or maybe a chainmail), high boots, heavy gloves, and cover yourself up with bug repellent. Then invite others to join the fight.


Dimensions: 7x9 grid, 20 card slots
Blocking walls: None
Playing modes:
  • 2 players, 10 cards each. Winner takes 2 card from the opponent/s cards
  • 4 players, 5 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
  • 5 players, 4 cards each. Winner takes 3 card from the opponent/s cards
Training mode support: 20 slots, 10 cards per player
20 slots, 10 cards per player
20 slots, 10 cards per player
Created: 1 years ago
Published: 1 years ago
Last update: 12 months ago