⛔️ #BR240719T175840 - Twitch bot issues (#MainGame / #Beta010 / DISCARDED)

Permalink Report to webmaster

Twitch intergation is lagging bad and not working..... just stalls! Rabbit and Mitrii's game

Client info:

  • Client version: 0.1.0
  • Platform: browser
  • Device type: browser
  • Display dimensions: 1920x919px
  • Viewport resolution: 1920x919px
  • User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Current match info:

  • Match id: 1442
  • Creator: @mitriimantv (mitriimantv)
  • Challengers:
    1. @user_gv9tjjn6iy1 (RabbitLarry)


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Aug 14 12:04 AM (2 months ago)

Ticket added to the resolve queue.

Aug 14 5:57 PM (2 months ago)

After reviewing the logs, we detected a package loss in the net communication between Twitch server and our server, which caused lags.

We still don't know if the problem was on their side or our side or in the middle. We tried a battle a few minutes ago and saw no issues.

Closing the ticket now.

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